Basic information about REST API

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REST API enables you to use service catalog, satisfaction surveys or tasks data from and connect them with other tools.

We have at the moment ten API calls which enables you use as master data about services and it’s dependencies, satisfaction surveys and tasks.

Access & generic information

All request point to URL that begins with:

Each request must include a User-Agent HTTP header.

You can use your company admin account as username and password to access REST API or you can use your special account for REST API, which you will find on the company settings page.

Response format: The API only supports JSON format in UTF-8 encoding.


Many parameters can be added to the rest api query to help us filter only the wanted results.

Each request with filter include ? character at the end of the url and followed by parameters for the filter with assigned values. The parameters are separated by the & character. Values can be a free text or a selected value from the given options.


curl -u username:password -i -H ‘Accept:application/json’

The answer to this request is Service Components that have the status “Planned” and are the responsibility of a user named “John”.

The parameters and possible values ​​are described for each REST API call.

You can find more detailed information in the section for the given category of REST API:

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