SimplyIT.cloud Jira app enable you to consume SimplyIT.cloud data inside Jira and Jira Service Desk.
App gives you the possibility to select Services or Service Componets and get basic information asociated with them. As the result of this activity you can clasify your issues and based on impacted service or service component you can select right issue criticity as well assign issue to right person. Anyhow main benefit of clasification is in seeing impact e.g. by selecting impacted service component you can imediatelly see which business facing services are affected.
How to setup SimplyIT.cloud Jira application
As the user name you can use:
- For Trial SimplyIT.cloud accounts you can use any admin username and password
- For Paid SimplyIT.cloud customers you will use the username and password generated by user support
API url is as follow
- Trial accounts https://trial.simplyit.cloud/api/v1
- Paid accounts https://NamaOfYourInstance.simplyit.cloud/api/v1
As refresh period we do suggest keep default 60minutes as based on our customer experience this is well working