June 2020 release notes

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Improvements & new functionality

Activity notifications

There are now available notifications about newly created tasks for user as well in case task is commented.

Notification shows blue “i” symbol in right bottom corner on person avatar in upper menu.

Information about who created the task

Tasks created after 2.6.2020 now includes information about who and when has created them.

Bug fixes

  • VAT field in billing information now accept also characters not only numbers so right VAT information can be inserted.
  • Search is not crashing anymore when trying to display tasks containing empty description.
  • Under Help & Feedback the My open issues are not anymore showing already closed issues.
  • Fixed bug when changing task category for task in state done task is not anymore moved back to state new.
  • Personalization of e2e services, service components and providers showed correctly in new task window.
  • Avatar for adding the comments shows right person.

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